Squid proxy server working example Debian GNU Linux

Hello guys, this is post is about an squid working example. The version of the squid that I am running is

2.7 stable. you can check it out running:

root@khs01sw10:~# squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 2.7.STABLE9
configure options:  (...)
Squid 3 error page

Squid 3 error page

Note: Uprated on november 25, 2015

This post is part of a bigger Debian material that you can access here. If you need to know first the basics about squid configuration, you can check out here.

Now, the network that I have configured the proxy for. Is a 300 PC network with the following range (net mask The IP address of the proxy is My proxy uses a few father proxies. Continue reading

Squid3 proxy with Linux debian jessie 8.

squid3 logo

squid3 logo

Squid3 proxy server is the subject of this post, along this writing I am going to show you how to install and configure this proxy server. For more information you can visit this URL; the official website of the project. My system is a Debian jessie 8.

This post is part of a bigger Linux and Debian basic administration material that you can access here. I have also described a squid 2.7 working configuration here. Squid 2.7 is a bit different from squid3 but they are configured basically the same way except for a few new directives and some other changes and deprecations. Let’s play then.

Installing squid3 is simple: Continue reading

Linux Server Classes (Introduction)

Linux Server Classes; About this group of materials.

Linux Versions with Tux

Linux Versions with Tux

I have started this post to bring Linux classes to any one in Gaborone, Botswana. Also you can access and use this materials any where else in the world. The only conditions is that you have to be willing to learn new and useful stuff from the free software movement. This Linux skill sharing was done for the ICT staff in Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana. The main objective was to socialize the Linux knowledge. These skill sharing classes are not part of any certified course. They are just the product of the personal experiences of a Linux and windows network administrator. Linux is currently being used at the hospital in most of the servers and a few workstations. But the course is thought as a General introduction to networking using GNU Linux Debian.


 The online HTML materials are supposed to be self explainable enough to be used as a self-study and learning material with no assistance. If you have any doubt you can always post then and I will try to answer. SO YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE CLASSES TO LEARN OR EVEN BE IN BOTSWANA. You can just consult the HTML materials and post your specific questions in the class. Otherwise the materials are being create was we speak, so some of the classes might have some gaps. Feel free to post any error you find or any suggestion of a material to add.


  1. About this material
  2. Content
  3. Course Classes Content
  4. The Linux Classes Content

Content of the classes


Along the classes you will learn about the main services on a network and how to install, configure and maintain them. GUN Linux Debian was the distribution selected. That was due to Debian’s popularity all over the world and it’s robustness for different server environments. Along the course we will deal with with a lot of useful staff.


  1. Introduction to Linux. The Debian operating system. GNU Linux Environment in Princess Marina Hospital. The server, services and workstations using Linux.
  2. How to execute Linux commands on the prompt. The edition of text file and the suse of configuration files. how to install software. The use of repositories and packages. use of the following commands: cat, ls, pwd, whoami, passwd, nano, mkdir, touch, rm, aptitude, apt-get. How to configure a network configuration.
  3. The DHCP service and specifically ISC DHCP Server. How to install it and basic configuration. More useful commands: service, tail, ps, grep, uname, make, make install, aptitude, purge.
  4. The DNS server and specifically Bind. How to install and basic configuration. How to create a Zone, reverse zone, forwarders, zone transfer, etc.
  5. The Web serverand specifically Apache 2. Installation and basic configuration. Virtual host, Apache module.
  6. Proxy server; squid. Installation and basic configuration. Acls: Authentication configuration basics, sarg, cache configuration.
  7. Linux start up and Linux crontab configuration. How to make a command or a software to execute when the system starts, how to create chronological/periodical tasks.
  8. Virtualization; Virtual Box. Installation and basic configuration, commands headless Virtual machines.
  9. Windows file sharing service; Samba Service, printing servers, introduction to integration with active directory.

Before we begin I have to add the main materials to start with this course: https://www.debian.org/CD/ installation images or any other preferred installation that you want. Also if you first want to know what is possible with Linux to set your beginner goal you can check out this article. also the main philosophy of this course is : “I can show you the door, you have to open it” that means that I will try to teach a lot of thing in every class but you have to put your own effort.

The Linux Classes:


8. Squid3; install and configure a proxy server part IView

Class TitleHTML self explainable ClassShorter slide presentation
1. Introduction to GNU/Linux Debian: Linux Evolution. Linux Environment, Servers, services and workstations.ViewPDF
2. Debian Basic Commands Debian file system, superuser, editing text files, executing commands in the shell, configuring, installing and uninstalling packages.ViewPDF
3. DHCP server basic principles; installation and configuration.ViewPDF
4. Network and DNS client configuration.ViewPDF
5. DNS server configuration.View
6. Apache 2 web server; install and configure a virtual hostView
7. Virtualbox; install and configure a virtual machineView
8. Squid; Introduction, part IView
9. Squid; working example a proxy server part IIView

In case one any question you feel free to leave your message here as a comment.