MySQL Slave Master replication
MySQL slave to master switch is an operation required in a few situations. Sometimes master dies and you need to make DB available as soon as possible. In this case if the DB is reasonably big then restoring from backup might take to long. Also keep present that slave has a current copy of data, you might have new data after the last backup that you can not afford to lose. Some other common situations where you might require such a procedure is when you want to upgrade your MySQL servers. For instance from Percona 5.6 to Percona 5.7. Also this will help to avoid long downtime.
Notice: if you have classic master slave replication some downtime is unavoidable, there are different setups that can be done to achieve having a cluster that does not stop working if you take the master offline, but this is NOT the objective of this post.
this post is some what related to another recent post; Mysql DB server OS change / replacement or distro upgrade; study case
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