Mysql DB server OS change:

MySQL Oracle
Mysql DB server OS change might be required in different situations, but for those who do not know what I am talking about, let me start by explaining what this is and why you might need it in some situations. Just to serve as an example; let say you are renting a few Virtial Machine Server from X IDC or cloud provider. This cloud provider gave you an a distribution that in 2013 had 4 years of support and everything was cool, you installed you systems. Now is 2017 and you need an upgrade. Let me give more details.
You are running a web environment with load balancers, web-server, and 2- Mysql DB servers Master and slave replication, etc. Your application needs High availability and you can not afford to have a lot of downtime. Your system is running fine, but last month you got a notification that the EOL (End of life) of your distribution is in 2 months. You also you noticed that your Percona MySQL DB 5.5 has a few limitations that you want to resolve by upgrading toPercona MySQL DB 5.6 or 5.7. So this is the perfect opportunity to upgrade the system and not remain with a legacy OS that will lose support soon. So now you know all you need to know and you are decided to go with progress and make a difference with the change.

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You contact your provider about upgrading your system. They reply with a link (URL) to their FAQ saying that they do not support system upgrade. Then you start reading about it and notice that many virtualization services providers do not really support the upgrade. So you can not just du apt-get dist-upgrade. Not that you can not try, but you will likely not succeed, own experience here long ago when I was young and stupid. Maybe your provider supports it, but you might have grown fond of some other distribution over time and you want to change let say from Debian to Redhat or vise-versa, change of company policy, etc. So reason for wanting to change are many. Continue reading