Squid proxy server working example Debian GNU Linux

Hello guys, this is post is about an squid working example. The version of the squid that I am running is

2.7 stable. you can check it out running:

root@khs01sw10:~# squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 2.7.STABLE9
configure options:  (...)
Squid 3 error page

Squid 3 error page

Note: Uprated on november 25, 2015

This post is part of a bigger Debian material that you can access here. If you need to know first the basics about squid configuration, you can check out here.

Now, the network that I have configured the proxy for. Is a 300 PC network with the following range (net mask The IP address of the proxy is My proxy uses a few father proxies. Continue reading

Squid3 proxy with Linux debian jessie 8.

squid3 logo

squid3 logo

Squid3 proxy server is the subject of this post, along this writing I am going to show you how to install and configure this proxy server. For more information you can visit this URL; the official website of the project. My system is a Debian jessie 8.

This post is part of a bigger Linux and Debian basic administration material that you can access here. I have also described a squid 2.7 working configuration here. Squid 2.7 is a bit different from squid3 but they are configured basically the same way except for a few new directives and some other changes and deprecations. Let’s play then.

Installing squid3 is simple: Continue reading

VirtualBox Virtual machine in Linux- Class 7

Virtualbox is today’s posts subject . We will talk about virtualization and how to virtualize a box using Virtualbox. To start we need to know what is virtualization and its advantages.

virtualbox logo

virtualbox logo

Virtualization, in computing, refers to the act of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, including but not limited to a virtual computer hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or computer network resources.

Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualization on 2014-04-22.

This post is part of a bigger Debian material that you can access here. Continue reading